12Five Capital


Sandler Case Study - 12FiveCapital

We provide working capital solutions for small businesses.



Ryan Jaskiewicz is the CEO of 12five Capital, a commercial finance company in Chicago. In 2012, rather than wait for the money to come in before staffing up, Ryan made the decision to hire more people to bring in new business. He knew that for his new staff to succeed, he needed sales training. On the recommendation of a mentor, he chose to work with Sandler.


Ryan not only learned how to sell more effectively, but also how to build, implement and adjust a plan for company growth. Ryan began working more and putting in longer hours. He wanted to deliver on exceptional customer service, win business and train his staff. The change took time, but he’d use the personalised playbook Sandler created for 12five, work it for thirty days and track its effectiveness. This gave Ryan the roadmap to manage what he could and delegate what he couldn’t.

Changing the internal conversation.


It’s easy for company owners to equate business success and failure with their personal value. By understanding Sandler’s I/R theory, which distinguishes between the role we play at any given moment and our identity as a human being, Ryan began to realise that losing deals wasn’t the end of the world. At the same time, he has built a strong, growing business with an ambitious plan of expansion, while being fully committed to a family life that gives him joy and balance.

Since working with Sandler, the company’s client retention rate went from 12 months to 24 months.

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