3 Techniques to Help You Get A Decision


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3 Sales Techniques to Get A Decision Made

It can be a stressful and frustrating experience waiting on leads to make a final decision. Even once you have given your pitch and done everything they ask, many prospects are still hesitant to make a decision. Fortunately, there is a way to make this process smoother and more efficient. Our experts have developed these three subtle and foolproof techniques for getting prospects to make their final decision. 

Let’s pretend

The let’s pretend technique is a useful approach that uses hypothetical questions. You could say something like ‘Let’s pretend this meeting goes to plan and everything makes sense for us to work together, when do you need this service up and running?’ This is a nurturing and efficient way to unpack the who, what, where, when and why elements that may be slowing down the process. 

Third-party stories

The second technique you can employ is to use the examples of other businesses you have worked with. This will show leads how the decision-making and setup process usually works. Plus, by mentioning other clients you also give your offer more credibility. You could try saying something like:

‘In my experience working with companies in a similar industry and of a similar size to yours, the CTO was involved in the decision-making process. Is that the same for you?’

Asking questions like this can help you get a straight and truthful answer from leads and speed up the decision-making process. 

Embedded commands

This technique uses a soft and nurturing tool to subtly push decision-making along. This involves asking the right question to progress towards closing the deal but avoiding sounding too demanding. One example of a question you could ask would be as follows.

‘You’ll want to get your head of HR involved in this, what is the best way to do that?’.

You can then continue asking other questions in a similar way. Once you have uncovered the other what, where, when and why elements you can get the decision finalized. 

Sales training sessions across the UK

At Sandler UK, we’ve been working with salespeople to help improve their sales techniques and elevate their selling power for over forty years. If you want expert advice on how to close deals and speed up decision-making, look no further than our local face-to-face corporate sales training sessions. Alternatively, for an honest discussion about what we can do to benefit your business, we are always happy to chat. Drop us a line to find out more. 

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