Call Debrief Tool


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Sales Call Debrief Template 

Taking the correct notes after each sales call will help you keep track of what was said and who attended so you can continue the sales conversation where you left off last time and agree on the next actions. After all, salespeople need to fully understand the situation in order to sell effectively. That’s where this sales debrief tool comes in. Below, we will explain how to use the key sections included in the template. 

KARE profile

The KARE Profile section will help you place accounts in one of four profiles: Keep, Attain, Recapture, and Expand. To help you understand where to place your prospect after a sales call, we have created this list of sections to consider after the call or meeting:

  • Selling team attendees
  • New information learned
  • Next steps planned
  • Red flags/potential problems uncovered
  • Questions/topics for next contact

Action steps

It is vital everybody on the call or meeting is clear about what is expected of them before you reconnect. This is why, this template includes the table for noting down:

  • What needs to be done?
  • When?
  • By who?
  • What the intended results are?

To leverage this professional call debrief template, download it for free and have it in front of you during your next sale call.

Sales call training and more

For those searching for training and information about Sandler UK’s top sales techniques, tools and templates, we recommend you join us for a face-to-face training session at a training centre near you. With over forty years of experience in sales, you can trust us to bring impressive sales expertise. You can also get in touch with us to ask any questions you might have. 

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